What We Provide

  1. Workshop:
    • Gathering requirements
    • Catalog the current state of applications and infrastructure
    • Propose high-level architecture concept
    • Explain benefits of proposed solution
    • Initial roadmap proposition
  2. Implementation:
    • Building the software by development team
    • Provisioned development and QA environments
    • Solution architecture definition
    • Working in Scrum
  3. Tests:
    • Evaluating the quality of software with the aim of finding and fixing defects
    • Provisioning of UAT environment
    • Testing and acceptance by customer
  4. Deployment:
    • Deploying on production for ongoing use
    • Documentation
    • Knowledge sharing and transfer
    • Solution monitoring
  1. Business understanding:
    • We start with workshops and problem-solving sessions to thoroughly understand the challenge, define the scope and KPIs against which we will measure the success of the solution.
  2. Data understanding:
    • We identify various data sources, connect them, verify our understanding with the business unit and run exploratory data analysis to check the initial hypothesis and build up our business understanding with data-based reports.
  3. Modeling:
    • We develop machine learning algorithms for a specific task, optimise the parameters, verify multiple approaches or model types and train them on the data prepared in previous steps. We also take into consideration the complexity of the model.
  4. Evaluation:
    • Based on previously defined KPIs, we evaluate the model’s performance, run error analysis and identify areas for improvement and refinement of the model. This also helps us to better prioritise our work.
  5. Deployment & monitoring:
    • Once we select the final model, we deploy it in production and monitor the results. It is important to verify the results over time to make sure that the distribution of the input data and results do not shift.
  1. Robotic Process Automation:
    • Artificial Intelligence algorithms at your service. We develop easy-to-manage and user-friendly tools that will handle your most mundane tasks, so you and your team can focus on what’s truly important.
  2. Software development automation:
    • Our specialists can help you automate your software development process, including setting a single code repository and implementing the build process where every team member, tester, mechanism and test script use the same fully automated process for building and obtaining software copies.
  3. Delivery automation:
    • Software development environments and tools are crucial for developing flawless application code. Processes should be automated as much as possible to focus on delivering business value. Smart solutions lead to fast, safe and cost-effective software delivery.
  4. Migration:
    • Do you need your services to be migrated to the cloud or any other environment? Depending on your needs, our experienced architects will design the solution, and then they will choose and plan the migration strategy. They will also manage the migration process.
  5. Web User Interface tests:
    • Our testers write and implement viable User Interface tests that can replicate real end users’ journeys and automatically check your systems with Selenium WebDriver for C#, Java and Python using Page Object Pattern.
  6. Mobile User Interface tests:
    • Almost 60% of your website visitors and product users are on mobile. We can help you ensure that their experience is as effortless and sleek as possible, using Appium and Espresso.
  7. API/Module automated tests:
    • Your application is likely to be handling thousands of user requests every hour. API/module automated tests can help you ensure that each part of your system is communicating with the other without interruption.
  8. Unit Tests:
    • A team of Emerals developers can develop a series of tests to continuously make sure that all your product functionalities and code methods are up and running.
  • Bubble is a powerful no-code platform that allows users to design, develop, and launch interactive web applications without writing code.
  • It offers a visual programming interface, enabling the creation of applications through simple drag-and-drop actions.
  • Bubble includes features like responsive design, database management, and API integrations.
  • It’s ideal for MVP development because it accelerates the development process, making it possible to launch products quickly and iteratively.
  • FlutterFlow is a no-code tool for building mobile applications. It utilizes Flutter, Google’s UI toolkit, for crafting high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android.
  • With its drag-and-drop interface, users can design custom app interfaces and add features like Firebase integration, API calls, and state management without coding.
  • FlutterFlow stands out for its ability to create highly custom mobile experiences.
  • It’s particularly useful for startups aiming to quickly develop and iterate mobile versions of their MVPs.
  • Joget DX is a modern open-source, low-code platform that simplifies the process of building and maintaining enterprise applications. It’s known for its user-friendly interface and robust capabilities in workflow management, app development, and data management.
  • Custom Plugin Development: Our team specializes in creating bespoke plugins for Joget DX. These plugins can extend the functionality of your low-code apps, integrate with other systems, or add new features tailored to your specific business needs.
  • Benefits for Your Business: With our Joget DX plugin development, you gain enhanced functionality, improved integration capabilities, and the ability to tailor your low-code applications to meet unique business challenges.
  • Get Started: Whether you’re looking to enhance existing applications or build new ones on Joget DX, EmeralDevs is here to help you harness the full potential of low-code development.

Introducing Our MVP Development Service

  • Idea Validation: We start by assessing and validating your startup idea to ensure market viability.
  • Design and Prototyping: Using Bubble’s intuitive interface, we create a user-friendly design and prototype for your MVP.
  • Development with FlutterFlow: We leverage FlutterFlow for rapid and scalable app development, ensuring a seamless user experience across all platforms, including Android and iOS.
  • Testing and Iteration: Our comprehensive testing process involves both automated and manual tests to refine and perfect your MVP.

Benefits of Bubble and FlutterFlow:

  • Speed and Efficiency: Rapid development cycles to get your MVP to market faster.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Minimize initial investment without sacrificing quality.
  • Scalability: Easily scale your MVP as your startup grows.

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“As IT experts, we drive digital transformation and we have our own way of doing it.”

-Med Anouar Hrairi


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